Monday, May 14, 2012

Zombie Walk Columbus

They're coming to get you!!
Some slower than others!

The horror genre has many a loyal follower.  There are monsters, killers, and psychopaths to be sure.  One of the most popular of the horror genre are zombies.   First made popular by George Romero's Night of the Living Dead released in 1968.

The zombie phenomenon has never really gone away, just gone through peaks and valleys like anything else.  Zombies are back on the upswing in part due to comics.  Marvel released a series called Marvel Zombies - a multi part series where the zombie plague has taken over the heroes in the Marvel Universe.  Another series that has captured the hearts of many is The Walking Dead.  It is so popular, that the AMC channel has already produced 2 seasons of a TV series and is currently making a third.
Intestines....It's what's for dinner!!
For a few years now, Zombie Walk Columbus has run their event, raising money and food donations to help support the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.  According to the official Facebook site, the event raised double the amount of food from last year, totaling 4,262 pounds of food!
Some zombies still crave the sweets from their living days.
The event gathers on Mother's Day weekend at Goodale Park in Columbus.  From there the shambling group of zombies parades and moans through the park to High Street and goes up and down the Short North.
I think you're doing it wrong?
Did she cheat on a test or something?
I went this year as a reporter and observer - being my first year I wanted to see what it was all about and be objective.  From all that I could tell, the group running the event was very well organized.  They put out information for quite some time before the event and publish a set of "rules" that all zombies and living need to follow.  From my observations, everyone was courteous, generous and followed all the rules.  I will even say that everyone had a great time.  Just about every age group was represented as well - from toddlers to seasoned citizens - all enjoyed the creative makeup, the fun "skirmishes" and just their fellow Ohioans having a great time.

The S.T.A.R.S. Team


  1. awesome story and pics!!

    1. Thank you! We appreciate your comments and visiting the site to read our stories!

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