Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Arnold 2016 - Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Written: Andrew Livelsberger
Photography/Video:  Andrew Livelsberger

The International Sports Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization that honors the world's greatest athletes.  This annual event is held every year at the Arnold Fitness Expo in Columbus, OH.

As it has been every year, the star studded inductee list is nothing short of fabulous.  To be inducted, you cannot just be or have been a great athlete, but you have to give back to the community in some way.

These athletes do a great job in explaining their story, so I will just let you enjoy the video that is provided for you.
  • Master of Ceremonies:  Dr. Robert Goldman
  • Speakers:  Jim Lorimer/Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Inductees:
    Kurt Angle
    Ronnie Coleman
    Annamaria Demars
    Royce Gracie
    Johnny Bench
Various images from the induction:

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