Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Arnold Sports Festival Columbus Celebrating 30 Years

Written/Photography by
Andrew Livelsberger

Celebrating 30 years of sports excellence, the Arnold Sports Festival returns to Columbus, OH March 1-4, 2018.   75 sports will be represented and new sports/exhibits will be introduced.

You know we here at VisualOhio love the Arnold Sports Festival.  We have been attending the event long before we covered it professionally.  We've seen the event grow and change over time, just as we've seen different sports and athletes change over time.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has created a tradition, a welcoming atmosphere for the world of sports.  This annual, world wide event is something to behold.  A mecca of sorts, that we feel everyone should attend at least once in their life, if for no other reason to see the world in a different way.  A way that shows that varying sports and athletes from all kinds of backgrounds have a place.

Here is a sampling of some of our favorite images from over the years.  Please enjoy them and know that we love what we do and we love bringing you coverage of the event every year.

The 30th year will bring even more sports, hitting the 75 mark - including axe throwing and body painting being added this year.

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