Thursday, December 20, 2018

Madonna Of The Trail - Visual Ohio One Shot!

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger

Even though the gray, wintery weather has already started blanketing Ohio, we are out there gathering stories for you!

At 21 Fisher Street in downtown Springfield, OH is a statue called Madonna Of The Trail.  This memorial commemorates the pioneer mothers of the covered wagon era.  This was brought to Springfield by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution(NSDAR).

It is one of 12 identical statues in the 12 states across the USA that run the National Olde Trails Road through them.  This spans from Maryland to California.
They were all dedicated between 1928 and 1929.

The majority of the information on the base of the monument is the same on each, there are some local information on each as well.

The link above has more detailed information on the history of the monument.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Lights At The Columbus Commons

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


Holiday light display at the Columbus Commons run November 21 through January 2 with over 400,000 LED lights.


Coming to life with hundreds of thousands of holiday lights, the Columbus Commons is a popular area in downtown Columbus to visit.

There are a large variety of lights, from giant bulbs to small LED and lights arranged in interesting shapes.

Friday nights they do have refreshments and carousel rides available.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Church of the Immaculata Atop Mt. Adams - Visual Ohio One Shot!

Written/Photography by Andrew Livelsberger

Location:  30 Guido St, Cincinnati, OH 45202

This church was built in 1859.   In short, the story goes that Archbishop John Baptist Purcell was on a boat at sea during a severe storm.  He prayed to God that if they were to make it back to shore safely, he would build a church at the highest point in Cincinnati.

We wanted to do this one shot to get this great building on your radar, but know that we intent to return to the church and get some additional images and do a full Visual Ohio feature on it.   Not sure exactly when that will be.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Scarecrow Row

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


Local individuals, businesses, and organizations show their creativity by crafting custom scarecrows in Otto Armleder Park on the east side of Cincinnati.  In 2018, the scarecrows at Scarecrow Row are on display from September 30 to October 14.


Scattered along the main walking paths and picnic areas of Otto Armleder Park, Scarecrow Row is a display of artistry from a farmer's tradition.

Walking along the path's some scarecrow displays are made from hay while others chose to use corn stalks and husks. 

Each one has a different theme.  Some, as seen above in "serenity" espouse a sense of calm and peace, while others like Frankenstein's Monster and Bride of Frankenstein harken us back to classic horror film characters.

Others are more modern, showing arts and diversity.

While this season's Scarecrow Row is coming to a close, look to the parks calendars for next year - hopefully you'll be able to get to Otto Armleder Park next year and they do this again.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Spring Grove Cemetery

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


A full history from the Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum can be found HERE.

Having a need to handle the internment needs of the city during the 1830/1840 cholera epidemics, city professional leaders and the Cincinnati Horticultural Society formed a cemetery association in 1844.

The goal was to find a place for a cemetery that was big enough to handle the needs of the city, but not be infringed upon by expansion. In addition, the association wanted it to handle funeral needs as well as house many kinds of plants, trees, and flowers.  The members traveled all over the United States and Europe for inspiration and ideas.

Over its 150 year history, the Spring Grove Cemetery has been a leader in cemetery design.


When you first enter into the cemetery grounds, you realize you are in some place special.  The architecture and layout definitely hit the mark on what the original founders and designers wanted to do.

Old world architecture in the buildings, art deco designs and more modern flow together seamlessly.  The paths and roads wind you about into different areas and there seems to be something awesome to see at every turn.

This is an area that I think you could visit for months and years and be able to find something new and interesting.  Not only that, but the look and feel of the area could change even based on the seasons!

Walking about, we saw signs that showed community activities are even held here.

Some of you might be thinking that a cemetery is an odd place for community events.  However, remember that this cemetery was built with this kind of thing in mind.   We can still give respect to those interned here and serve the community by using the space.  Also, having the resources of the community will provide additional funds to help maintain the space.

Looking at the headstones, you'll notice that there are large varieties here.  More so than I think I've ever seen at any other cemetery.
There are your more modern monolith shapes, Washington Monument shaped obelisks, and flat to the ground stones and plates.

I think this makes the more unique markers and stones stand out.  There are ones with multiple tiers, built up shapes, busts and the like.

You also have various types of mausoleums and church structures.  As seen below, these structures are large, beautifully built.  From afar they have one kind of beauty, but then looking closer at the details, you'll see the inspired architecture that went into these buildings.   A great example of this is the building below, we lovingly nicknamed "Goth Building". 

The first image is the front from afar, then the next image that follows is the details in the arches that are on either side of the main doors.

Then we can pull further back and see these fantastic views with large beautiful buildings in the background.

Maybe we are weird, but there is a beauty and serenity in places of internment.  Spring Grove Cemetery makes that even more so by not just being a place of internment, or of final rest.  No, the designers decided to make this a place that is part of the community.  It is a place where the lives of those that came before us can be celebrated.  We remember them not only by the names on the stones, but also by making the cemetery space a viable, useful area for those still wandering the surface.

So, next time you think about a place to go and just be - think about visiting and learning about the souls that are here at their final rest.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Osprey Lake - Visual Ohio One Shot!

Written/Photography by Andrew Livelsberger

Location:  Google Maps Link

If you know Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park, then you know that it is home to the small herd of bison, located in several acres of fields close to the metro parks nature center.

Most of the parks traffic is centered there, as you'd expect - because -BISON!

However, if you travel south into the other sections of the park, you'll see a smaller parking area with a small sign for Osprey Lake.

Fishing is allowed here, all applicable State laws are in effect.

The day we visited, it was a bright, sunny day.  Warm with a high of 80F, but with very low humidity.

You can walk right down to the waters edge in many places.   A path surrounds the lake, scattered around the paths are picnic tables.  The path is primitive, a mixture of grass in parts and large stone in others.

What strikes you though is the crystal clear waters.  In many places, you can see right down to the bottom.  This also allows you to see the large fish that inhabit the water as well.

There were a few families there fishing and enjoying the day.

If you are over in western Columbus or the Galloway area and are looking for a nice, quiet waterfront spot to either fish, picnic or just sit and enjoy the silence, this is a great place to check out.  Remember, take only pictures and leave only footprints!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cincinnati Skyline - Visual Ohio One Shot!

Written and Photography by
Andrew Livelsberger

During a recent trip to Cincinnati, we jumped to the other side into Newport, KY to get this sunset picture of downtown Cinci!

Often times, it is great to get out of where you are and see it from a different perspective.   Just another perspective and view of Ohio's Queen City.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Introduction of Visual Ohio One Shots!

Written and Photography By Andrew Livelsberger

Welcome to the introduction of a new quick hit feature of our blog!  The Visual Ohio One Shots are going to be a series that cover either lesser known events or items that can be shared with just one image.

One Shot article categories will be the same as full fledged articles, and you'll still get the great writing and care you expect from us here at Visual Ohio.

Look out for these new posts to be interspersed between the major releases!!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Ohio State Fair 2018 - High School Rodeo

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


The 2018 Ohio State Fair has recently concluded with another successful year.  The standard events and fair type activities were present.  This year, we had the opportunity to cover the High School Rodeo competition.


Within the dimly lit Taft Coliseum of the state fairgrounds, the 2018 Ohio State Fair hosted high school rodeo competition events.

Boys and girls competed in different age groups.  All competitors came out at the beginning of the event for an opening ceremony.  This rider, representing the United States Army carried this flag for a few laps around the arena.

One of the first events was cattle roping.  In this event, the rider follows after a calf and must use their lasso to rope the calf around the neck.  Riders are going for the quickest times.

Below, steer wrestling requires the contestant to use nothing but their arms to get the steer laying flat on the ground.

One of the most popular events, the barrel race, where there are 3 barrels in the arena and the riders must ride a complete circle around all three and then race back to their starting position.

While we have seen rodeo events in the past, I've never seen one with participants so young.  They did a fantastic job in all the events.  If you ever get to see these youngsters in action, you will not be disappointed!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Dillon State Park

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


East central Ohio state park with swimming, boating, fishing and hiking activities.


We initially went here looking for American Bald Eagles, but we were too early in the season.  Talking with a park ranger, the eagles are more visible in the spring and fall months.  Never one to pass up an opportunity to be in the outdoors, we went searching for other exciting visual awesomeness!

It did not take us long to find around 30 Heron scattered about the lake area.

Here are just a few pictures we captured of these majestic birds!

This is also a popular fishing spot.  Here you can see some leftovers from recent fishing activity.

This is a great day trip area, with nice trails and water features.  It is also very close to Black Hand Gorge, which also has some great views of its own.

We plan on returning later in 2018 to see if we can find some of those American Bald Eagles in the wild!