Monday, November 21, 2016

Central Ohio Kennel Club Fall Dog Show

Written/Photography by
Andrew Livelsberger

The Central Ohio Kennel Club (COKC) holds quarterly dog shows in Columbus.  Showcasing roughly 2000 dogs from all major breeds each show.

I walked into the show to a sea of dogs!  If you love dogs or just enjoy watching dog shows on TV, this event is right up your alley.

Imagine the big shows you see on TV, but instead of one large show area, there are 15 smaller rings, all bustling with dogs and handlers strutting their stuff for the judges.

Everything seemed very well organized.    The grooming area seemed ample and not over crowded.  Upon admission, you can get a schedule for the day as well as breed/ring show times listed by the ring entrance.  Every ring was well marked and easy to find.

There were many vendors there too, some specifically selling to competitors while others were more general dog oriented.

While you would expect the show dogs to be well mannered (they were), I also found it quite nice that the owners, handlers and spectators all were very polite and friendly.  One more than one occasion I found myself engrossed in conversation.

If you love dogs, seeing them at their top form, enjoy great conversation with dog owners/lovers the COKC Dog Show should be on your short list of events to attend.

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