Thursday, July 19, 2018

Martinsville Lavender Festival

Written by Dani and Andrew Livelsberger
Photography by Andrew Livelsberger


1 year after starting the Peaceful Acres Lavender Farm, the first Lavender Festival was help.  10 years strong and 2018 had another successful festival season.


In our attempt to hit all of the Great 88 counties in Ohio, we have our first story from Clinton County.  Out amongst the country roads and farms in Martinsville, lies the Peaceful Acres Lavender Farm.  Annually, there is held a festival with music, activities and...lavender!!

Going into this festival, we had no expectations.   We had never been before and just happened to see it listed out on the internet somewhere.  Braving the hot, Ohio summer we drove from the comfort of our central Ohio home to the farm.

Within the grounds are several hiking paths.  From the parking area, it is a short walk to the main festival area.  Here you will see rows upon rows of different lavender plants.   Thankfully, the rows are marked and there is literature to explain the types, where they originate as well as how to harvest.

For a small fee, you can cut your own bunch of lavender, getting to take as much as you can fit within the confines of a wire pipe cleaner.

There is more too to do and see. Rescue birds shown below are there for you to interact with. There are also vendors, music, lavender themed food and drinks.   Education on the different kinds of lavender as well as workshops to craft items using lavender.

While not "large" by any means it is an interesting place to visit.     So, next June jump in the car and visit the lavender festival!!

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